International ME/CFS Conference 2023
International "ME/CFS Conference 2023 - Understand, Diagnose, Treat" of the Charité Fatigue Center, Berlin
On 11-12 May 2023, leading international ME/CFS experts exchanged their views on the current state of research. We publish here all presentations of the conference by and for scientists and clinicians, as well as short text summaries of the presentations, in co-operation with the German Society for ME/CFS (thanks!).
Read our conference announcement here. And please do support our work!

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Day 1 - 09:00 h
Welcome - ME/CFS Conference 2023
Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charité Fatigue Center, Berlin, Germany
ME/CFS and Post-COVID Syndrome (PCS) I
Day 1 - 09:05 h
Autoimmunity to the Autonomic Nervous System: The Mechanism to Many Common Clinical Conditions (Keynote)
Yehuda Shoenfeld, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Day 1 - 09:35 h
ME/CFS as Part of the PCS Spectrum
Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charité Fatigue Center, Berlin, Germany
Diagnosis I
Day 1 - 10:00 h
Diagnosing ME/CFS – State of the Art
Uta Behrends, University Clinic/MRI TU Munich, Germany
Day 1 - 10:20 h
Autonomic Dysfunction in ME/CFS
Pawel Zalewski, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torún, Poland
This Video will be made available when the speaker authorises its publication.
Day 1 - 10:40 h
Breathing and Muscular Dysfunction in ME/CFS
Max Liebl, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Diagnosis II
Day 1 - 11:40 h
Brain Fog and Neurocognitive Assessment in ME/CFS
Carsten Finke, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Day 1 - 11:55 h
Sleep Disturbance in ME/CFS
Christian Veauthier, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Day 1 - 12:10 h
Hypermobility in ME/CFS
Peter C. Rowe, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Poster Talks (3 min. overview of select posters)
Day 1 - 12:30 h
Poster Presentation: blood cell deformability cytometry
Martin Kräter, Max Planck Institute, Erlangen, Germany
Day 1 - 12:34 h
Poster Presentation: COVID-19 - the ultimate nfkB rush and the crucial importance of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Marco Leitzke, Helios Clinic, Leisnig, Germany
Day 1 - 12:38 h
Poster Presentation: Developing a blood cell-based diagnostic test for ME/CFS, using peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Karl J. Morten, University of Oxford, UK
Day 1 - 12:42 h
Poster Presentation: Changes of the gut microbiome in CFS Patients in response to whole-body Cryotherapy
Hanna Tabisz, Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń, Poland
Sorry, the video of this presentation is not available, as the speaker did not authorise its publication yet. Video and presentation (PDF) may be published at a later date, once the presented data has been published.
Day 1 - 12:46 h
Poster Presentation: Blood immune cells of post COVID-19 syndrome patients present with distinct alterations in their transcriptional states
Charlotte Kröger, University of Bonn, Germany
Day 1 - 12:50 h
Poster Presentation: Skeletal muscle abnormalities contribute to post-exertional malaise in Long COVID
Day 1 - 12:54 h
Poster presentation: Effects of serum factors in patents with ME/CFS after COVID-19 on endothelial cell function in vitro
Kanchan Dulal, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Day 1 - 12:58 h
Poster Presentation: Symptom persistence and biomarkers in post-COVID-19/chronic fatigue syndrome
Franziska Legler, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Understanding I
Day 1 - 14:00 h
Assessing Endothelial Dysfunction
Francisco Westermeier, FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria
This Video will be made available when the speaker authorises its publication.
Day 1 - 14:15 h
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography and Cell Deformability in ME/CFS
Bettina Hohberger, University of Erlangen, Germany
Day 1 - 14:30 h
Novel Biomarkers of Endothelial Dysfunction and Angiogenesis Alterations in PCS and ME/CFS
Martina Seifert, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Day 1 - 14:45 h
Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM)
Christian Puta, University of Jena, Germany
Day 1 - 15:00 h
Insights from ME/CFS May Help Unravel the Pathogenesis of PCS
Anthony L. Komaroff, Harvard Medical School, USA
Day 1 - 15:20 h
Predictors of ME/CFS following EBV and implications for PCS
Leonard A. Jason, DePaul University, Chicago, USA
Understanding II
Sorry, the video of this presentation is not available, as the speaker did not authorise its publication yet. Video and presentation (PDF) may be published at a later date, once the presented data has been published.
Sorry, the video of this presentation is not available. The speaker did not authorise its publication.
Day 1 - 17:10 h
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Herpesviruses in ME/CFS
Bhupesh Prusty, University of Würzburg, Germany
Treatment I
Day 2 - 09:00 h
Treating ME/CFS – State of the Art
Day 2 - 09:20 h
Multiprofessional Inpatient ME/CFS Treatment
Johannes-Peter Haas, ZSTJM Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Day 2 - 09:35 h
Neuromodulation in ME/CFS
Michael Stingl, Facharztzentrum Votivpark, Vienna, Austria
Day 2 - 09:55 h
Medical Care Situation and Stigma with ME/CFS
Laura Froehlich, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany
Treatment II
This Video will be made available when the speaker authorises its publication.
Sorry, the video of this presentation is not available. The speaker did not authorise its publication.
Day 2 - 11:20 h
Immunoadsorption in Severly Affected ME/CFS Patients
Wolfgang Ries, DIAKO Hospital, Flensburg, Germany
Day 2 - 11:40 h
Immunoadsorption in PCS and ME/CFS
Annika Elisa Stein, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Day 2 - 11:55 h
Treating Orthostatic Intolerance in ME/CFS
Andrea Maier, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Day 2 - 12:10 h
Vascular Targeting in ME/CFS
Klaus Wirth, University of Frankfurt / Mitodicure GmbH, Germany