Donate now to the #LemonChallengeMECFS for ME/CFS research!

100% of every € goes to our projects.

Bank transfer:
ME/CFS Research Foundation
DE35 2004 0000 0628 5316 00
Commerzbank Hamburg

More information on donations see our donations FAQ.

Support ME/CFS research!

Together we make a difference!

Every contribution helps and flows 100% into our projects (more on this in the see our donations FAQ). But nobody should donate at the expense of their own health or care! It is better to ask family, friends or others for support.

Major sponsors are particularly helpful! Jointly selected projects can also be funded directly, for example. After all, sustainable funding is needed to build up new research capacities. Feel free to contact us!

You can support our work in many ways:

One-off or even regular (bank transfer, PayPal, credit card, debit card).

Quite simply! For birthdays, anniversaries, other occasions ... all information and lots of ideas here!

Shop at over 2,000 shops that support us via Gooding (at no extra cost to the buyer).

All questions about donations, use, receipts/taxes, ...

Please donate!

Bank transfer:

Receiver:  ME/CFS Research Foundation
IBAN:            DE35 2004 0000 0628 5316 00
Bank:            Commerzbank Hamburg
BIC:              COBADEFFXXX

PayPal, credit card, debit card:

Wiederkehrende Spenden: bitte Dauerauftrag einrichten oder bei PayPal die Option auswählen.

donation receipt: bis 300€ p.a. reicht der Zahlbeleg aus (Bank oder PayPal). Für höhere Spenden oder anderen Gründen für einen Beleg, füllen Sie bitte unser donor form so we are able to provide you with a receipt. 

Further information >> below in the Donation FAQ.

Feel free to follow and support us on social media. Because a strong presence makes us more visible and hence helps us to expand our impact. Thank you very much!

Start your own fundraiser!

It's quite simple - we explain how it works:

There are many occasions for fundraising campaigns: Birthdays, anniversaries, ME/CFS Day (12 May), public holidays or just because. Anyone can simply call for donations for ME/CFS research in their circle of friends, school, club or network. We will show you how to do it and are happy to help! Because more ME/CFS research is important and perhaps more valuable for patients in the long term than many other gifts and gestures.

Birthday fundraising campaign

Your own birthday or that of your children, relatives or friends? Many good occasions and opportunities to get involved in more ME/CFS research:

Download our birthday donation flyer herunter (PDF, mit Spendenkonto und QR-Code). Just enter name anddate, and you're ready to go and ! Family, friends and guests simply click to donate to your birthday campaign.

Design you own cards, flyers, social media posts, emails: simply use our donation account, PayPal link or QR code on your design(the name of the birthday person may be added in the donation form).

Start your fundraising campaign on gofundme: simply register and start your own fundraising campaign in a few minutes. For more details see our news here.

Example of a fundraising campaign: Lisa Bessey on gofundme

Do you have better ideas for your own fundraising campaign?

There were already concerts, football/soccer matches, socially committed women's clubs, regional fundraisers and other events in favour of ME/CFS research. Every fundraising campaign publicises the problem of too little ME/CFS research and generates a contribution to the solution. We are happy to support!

Simply start your own fundraising campaign:

In unserem Artikel “Starting your own fundraising campaigns for more ME/CFS research - how does that work?” finden Sie Beispiele und hilfreiche Links, z.B. zu Spendenplattformen.

  • PayPal: the button leads to the PayPal page of the ME/CFS Research Foundation. Click on "Start fundraising campaign" (a little further down), enter the title, target amount and photo - done! Simply distribute the customised donation link generated by PayPal to your target group.
  • gofundme: simply register and start your own fundraising campaign in a few minutes. gofundme will transfer the donations to you after the campaign. As soon as you transfer the donations to us (see above for account details), you will receive a donation receipt. 

Please contact us for further support: We also look forward to receiving your reports (same e-mail). Over time, we want to collect the best ideas for inspiration here.

Support ME/CFS research while shopping!

Over 2,000 online shops are registered with Gooding , including well-known brands – from car rental and clothing, to concert tickets, delivery services to pet supplies. A small percentage of every online purchase is donated to the ME/CFS Research Foundation (at no extra cost to buyers).

If you like, you can register with Gooding and take advantage of many simplifications for online shopping, e.g. stored shop favourites, a toolbar in the browser, etc. And each time, ME/CFS research is supported on the side. 

And please spread the word!!    #Shop4MECFS


(PS: the similar program Amazon Smile was discontinued in February 2023, unfortunately).

FAQ: Questions and further information on donations

Please click on the questions for answers and more information.

The ME/CFS Research Foundation is recognised by the tax office as a non-profit organisation. This means that donations to us can be claimed for tax purposes. In order to claim the donation in your tax return, a payment receipt (e.g. payment receipt, bank statement) is sufficient for donations up to €300 per year.

In order to minimise our administrative work, we only issue donation receipts for amounts up to €300 on request. Please request these via our donation form if necessary.

* The Federal Central Tax Office maintains the German register of recipients of donations. This register records all organisations throughout Germany that are authorised to issue donation receipts. You can find our entry via the register's search function (search for "ME/CFS Research Foundation", please note that the search is case-sensitive).

You will automatically receive a donation receipt from us for donations over €300 per year, provided we have your details (name, address, e-mail).

For further enquiries, please write to us at: 

The Federal Central Tax Office maintains the German register of recipients of donations. This register records all organisations throughout Germany that are authorised to issue donation receipts. You can find our entry via the register's search function (search for "ME/CFS Research Foundation", please note that the search is case-sensitive).

We very much appreciate regular support. Thank you very much!

  • If you donate by bank transfer, please set up a standing order to our donation account .
  • If you donate via PayPal , you can choose between one-off, monthly or annual donations.   

If your annual donation to us exceeds €300, please provide us with your details via our donor data webform , especially if you donate by standing order. Thank you very much!   

We guarantee that 100% of your donation will be used to support biomedical ME/CFS research. The administrative costs of the ME/CFS Research Foundation are fully funded by the founder Joerg Heydecke. Further details can be found in our activity report

If you donate to us by bank transfer , there are no transaction costs for the ME/CFS Research Foundation. (incl. credit card) charges us reduced transaction costs of €0.35 per transaction plus 1.5% of the donation amount (additional fees may apply for cross-border donations). 

Donation portals such as gofundme or or charge their own fees (usually 2-3% of the donation amount).

Donations via the ME/CFS Research Foundation flow 100% into the research projects or to the working groups (i.e. without the usual flat-rate deductions made by universities for administration). We agree appropriate regulations with the institutes concerned.

For the sake of completeness, however, we would like to point out that every research project involves a certain amount of administrative work (e.g. to meet mandatory regulatory requirements). We support these costs, because without them research would not be feasible.

Yes, you can donate for a specific purpose. Please note the purpose of your donation in the subject line of the bank transfer or in the note of your PayPal / credit card payment, e.g. "Donation for project XY at XY University Hospital". You can also tell us the purpose of your donation via our donor data webform or by e-mail .  

However, we can only support projects and institutions that are recognised as charitable. Otherwise we risk losing our charitable status.

The following applies to all donations without earmarking: 

Your question about donations is not answered here? Then please send your question by e-mail to:


Further information / FAQ on other topics can be found on the respective topic pages (at the bottom):
