ME/CFS Research Foundation was invited to the 2022 ME/CFS symposium by Fatigatio

We would like to thank Fatigatio, Germany's largest ME/CFS patient organization, for the opportunity to present the ME/CFS Research Foundation at their annual symposium in September 2022. 

This event of the largest ME/CFS patient organisation in Germany was opened by Dr Lange-Riechmann (Chair of the Fatigatio Board). The subsequent greetings by the patron of the conference, Martina Stamm-Fibich (Member of the German Bundestag and Patient Representative of the SPD parliamentary group) and Stefan Schwartze (Member of the German Bundestag and Patient Representative of the Federal Government) impressively described the problem areas of the disease and it's patients. The increasing political attention for the concerns of ME/CFS patients and relatives was mentioned along with first examples of public funding of ME/CFS research.

Just before the expert presentations by the various medical professionals and scientists active in Germany, we had the opportunity to present our motivation for establishing the ME/CF Research Foundation as well as our goals and current projects. Jörg Heydecke explained the role of research for ME/CFS and post-COVID as well as the disastrous effects of the so far insufficient public funding of research initiatives. He also presented the goals of the Research Foundation, the cooperation with several patient organisations in Germany, and current projects.

Our presentation (German language) can be viewed as a video here:

The entire programme of the Fatigatio symposium as well as all speakers and presentations of the event can be found here:

Co-organised and financed the Fatigatio Symposium offers an overview of current developments in GP care and a compilation of the latest national and international research results. In addition, new activities in research funding and concepts for the further development of long-term care assessment are presented. This makes the symposium an important and regular informative milestone for patients and relatives. We extend our gratitude to Fatigatio again for the invitation and look forward to further co-operation! 

How can you support the work of the ME/CFS Research Foundation?

There is still a long way to go before diagnosis, care and treatment of ME/CFS patients will one day become a medical and social standard. We at the ME/CFS Research Foundation are focussing on biomedical research, which we see as the key element in solving these problems (more on this in our research funding strategy). To do this, we need extensive support from private donors - patients, relatives, families, friends, associations, schools, networks, companies, initiatives, event organisers and all supporters. And if you can't support us directly, maybe you can share our story and motivate others to help. Because only together is such a feat possible.

We invest all donations and other kinds of support into scientifically excellent research, networking of researchers and ultimately visible results, i.e. better ME/CFS diagnostics and therapies. We are happy to work together with other organisations and initiatives - please contact us! 

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