ME/CFS Symposium 2023

ME/CFS Symposium on Research and Care at the Charité Fatigue Center

On 12 May 2023, under the patronage of Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach (BMG), a compact overview of the state of research and care in Germany was presented - for ME/CFS patients, relatives, medical professionals and the public. We are publishing all presentations here. Please support our work!

supported by:

Care and Research in Germany I

14:30 h

Welcome ME/CFS Symposium 2023 and greetings

Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charité Fatigue Center,
Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Health, patron of the ME/CFS Symposium,
Erich Irlstorfer, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Health Committee,
Veronika von Messling, Federal Ministry of Education and Research


ME/CFS care and research in Germany - Where do we stand today?

15:05 h

CFS_CARE - Care model for patients with ME/CFS

Bianca Erdmann-Reusch, Bavaria Clinic, Kreischa

15:20 h

MECFS Registry and Biobank

15:35 h

BAYNET FOR MECFS - Bavarian Network for ME/CFS Research

Care and Research in Germany II

16:35 h

IMMME – Immune Mechanisms of ME

Franziska Sotzny, Charité Fatigue Center

16:50 h

NKSG - National Clinical Study Group

Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charité Fatigue Center

17:05 h

ME/CFS Research Funding - The Role of Foundations

Joerg Heydecke, ME/CFS Research Foundation

17:15 h

Shaping ME/CFS research together - The role of patient organisations

17:25 h

Health services research and its importance for ME/CFS patients

Lieseltraud Lange-Riechmann, Fatigatio e.V. - Federal Association ME/CFS
